Nice overview Sarah. A couple of additional points.
Since Tarot is a form of spiritual practice and you are tuning into subtle energies I always recommend burning a white candle and some suitable protective incense, like sandalwood or frankincense. Tarot readings do attract being from spirit who what to deliver a message or answer to you (that's part of the way I believe the cards work), and so a bit of protection and energy filtering makes sense.
Re the feminist.gender neutral points you raised, I would suggest looking at gender as polarities rather than literal genders. Polarities are important in spiritual practice and in readings they provide important information, such as inward or outward flows, inner or outer knowledge, etc. Since everyone of any gender/non-gender contains both polarities within them, it is useful to focus on using these consciously and deliberately as appropriate to desired outcomes, etc, and Tarot can be really useful in helping you to do that.